Decidim Fest 22 — The Future of The Internet · October 13-14 Read more

Metadecidim, comunitatea noastră

O comunitate democratică care gestionează proiectul Decidim în toate dimensiunile sale

Metadecidim este o comunitate care colaborează la proiectarea platformei şi la construcţia proiectului. Împreună putem proiecta și dezvolta noi caracteristici și raporta erorile pentru îmbunătățirea continuă a platformei.
Propose and help define new features
Report bugs and help the developers fix them
Help shape the future of the platform
The Decidim Community during the Decidim Fest 2021
Întrebări frecvente
What do I need to install Decidim?

Installing Decidim is easy but you need some knowledge and technical requirements. See the documentation for installing Decidim.

Do you support institutions?

Yes, but you have to be patient. There are a lot of institutions that want to use Decidim right now and we are helping them step by step. Contact us for any question and we will answer you as soon as possible.

Who is currently using Decidim?

It is currently used by cities and organizations worldwide. In fact, any group of people can use it, whether it is an NGO, university, trade union, cooperative, neighbourhood association, etc. Check the complete list of currently active instances.

We want to make a formal collaboration agreement. Are there any templates we can use?

Yes, we have templates to formalize collaboration agreements. Please contact us.

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