Decidim Fest 22 — The Future of The Internet · October 13-14 Read more

Metadecidim, our community


Metadecidimはプラットフォームの設計とプロジェクトの構築に協力するコミュニティです。 プラットフォームを継続的に改善するために、新しい機能とレポートのバグを設計・開発できます。
Propose and help define new features
Report bugs and help the developers fix them
Help shape the future of the platform
The Decidim Community during the Decidim Fest 2021
What do I need to install Decidim?

Installing Decidim is easy but you need some knowledge and technical requirements. See the documentation for installing Decidim.

What is Decidim?

Decidim is a Free Open-Source participatory democracy platform for cities and organizations. But Decidim is more than a digital platform: it’s a common's free and open project and infrastructure involving code, documentation, design, training courses, a legal framework, collaborative interfaces, user and facilitation communities, and a common vision.

I have many doubts, of all kinds...where can I ask them or solve them?

The best way to solve your doubts quickly is through the Metadecidim community. Enter now in the process Support Forum and see if your question exists or if it has been answered and otherwise enter to ask questions. If you can't resolve your problem in this space, maybe it's time to contact us through the contact form.

Do you have a Demo? I want to use Decidim now, without installing it, to see how it works.

Yes, we have an online demo.

Try Online — オンラインデモを利用して、Decidimプラットフォームを自由に触れてみてください オンラインデモ