
Decidim je digitální platforma
pro participaci občanů

Dostupná a bezpečná technologie.
Se všemi demokratickými zárukami.
Přeprogramování demokracie je nyní možné s Decidim.

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Decidim Fest 22 — The Future of The Internet · October 13-14 Read more
Explore all features

Decidim pomáhá občanům, organizacím a veřejným institucím, aby se demokraticky organizovali v jakémkoliv rozsahu.

Implementing a flexible democratic system

We can help configure a system of democratic governance in all kinds of organizations.

Our features
We take democracy very seriously

Decidim ensures transparency, traceability and integrity of information like never before. It provides security, privacy and confidentiality to all participants.

Social contract
It's yours. Use it. Share it. Improve it.

A platform designed entirely with free software, open and collaborative content thanks to the Metadecidim community.

The community
Již používají Decidim

Hundreds of organizations around the world trust Decidim for their democratic processes

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Try Online — Zkoušejte a prozkoumejte zdarma platformu Decidim s naším online demo. Online demo